How can you future-proof your job?

How can you future-proof your job?

In the past, a person’s work life was “learn – do for several years – retire.”  That “learn-do-retire” formula worked for many people, but change is coming.  Jobs are always changing as new technology, new materials, and new techniques emerge.  In a Global Talent Trends study by the Mercer Company, Ravin Jesuthasen reported that 53% of organizations are identifying new skills needed for today’s and tomorrow’s jobs, and that those organizations want existing employees to become upskilled and do those evolving jobs.

In order to future-proof your job, you need to “learn, then do – learn more, then do and earn more – learn even more – then do some more.”

  • Learn new skills
  • Do the job
  • Learn more new skills
  • Do the newer job
  • Learn even more skills
  • Keep doing your ever-changing job

In the long run, you’ll save your job.  To future-proof your job, be prepared to reinvent yourself constantly.

Upskill yourself by learning a new Soft Technical Skill©.