Remembering Again

by Dorothy Kent Hofstrand
$9.95 + S&H

The author chronicles her trials and joys of growing up in a Norwegian-English-German community, teaching in a one-room rural school, being a farm wife and mother – all on the prairie of  North Dakota, and retiring in Arizona.  The book is embellished with poems, recipes, observations on the times, over 80 photographs/sketches/maps/other black-&-white illustrations, and other of her favorite things from the years 1912 to 2003.

Product Details

Published : Copyright © 2006 by Bench Mark Publications LLC.
All rights reserved.

Pages : 242 pages, Glossary, Index.

Dimensions : 5½“ x 8½“ trade softback

ISBN : 978-0-9610892-2-1

Remembering Again

Hear from Past Learners

"I enjoy reading your books so much, I read them over and over."

– Rosie Howard

"Thank you for (your) book. It was a thrill and a pleasure to read...I remember as yesterday the ticking of the old REGULATOR clock in the last quiet 15-20 minute study period, while we waited for the 4 o’clock dismissal. (It is) a satisfaction to know that you have made a permanent record of some very unique experiences. – Wayne Gerig, former pupil and neighbor."

– Wayne Gerig, former pupil and neighbor